Volunteer Opportunities
Volunteer Opportunities
Serving on a society committee is a way to contribute give back, meet CPA colleagues, and learn more about your profession.
To volunteer for a committee, simply call 701-775-7111, or e-mail membership@ndcpas.org
Help facilitate a fun, well organized CPA Convention. Typically for members close to the next convention location.
Time: several meetings plus helping at the Convention
Future Locations: 2025 - Grand Forks, 2026 - Bismarck, 2027 - Fargo
Awards Committee
Chooses award winners and evaluates member benefit programs.
Time: 1 in person meeting, 3-4 virtual meetings
Members in Business and Industry
Provides topic input for the Management Conference and the Business and Industry Miniseries.
Time: 1 in person meeting, emails, help at the conference
Professional Ethics
Respond to complaints and proposed ethics changes.
Time: half day virtual training session, depends on needs
NextGen Recruiting
Educate and engage potential future CPAs. Gives presentations to university students. Creates materials for accounting career influencers.
Time: 1 in person meeting, 2-3 virtual meetings, presentations
Accounting Career Influencer
Promotes the profession to high school and middle school students. Volunteers receive supplemental materials from NDCPAS.
Time: 1 training session plus presentations and contact time
Small Firms
Organizes and provides input for Small Firm Network events.
Time: Virtual meetings, help at events
Tax and Legislation
Reviews legislation and responds to advocacy requests regarding tax and other issues that affect the profession. May include meetings with legislators, regulators and standard setters. Communicates issues of interest to members.
Time: Regular virtual meetings during the legislative session, other virtual meetings depending on need.
Young Professionals
Provide young CPAs with networking and leadership development. Seeks ways to enhance the value of membership for young members. Outreach to recent exam passers. Time: One in person meeting, 3-4 virtual meetings, emails to exam passers
Other Options
If an ongoing committee role doesn't sound right for you, there are other ways to be of service to your profession - on your own schedule -- such as writing an item for the web or newsletter, being a host for a new CPA at Convention, or contacting nonmembers to encourage joining.